Collection Notice

In response to the Accessible BC Act and to advance the goals of the Equity Compass, SFU is renewing vacant At-Large positions on its pan-university Accessibility Committee.

The purpose of this form is to collect expressions of interest from the SFU community to join the Accessibility Committee. This form includes voluntary, self-identification questions which will be used for the sole purpose of ensuring the compositional diversity of the Accessibility Committee meets the requirements of the Accessible BC Act.

The purpose of the Accessibility Committee will be to:
· assist the SFU in identifying attitudinal, physical or architectural, information or communication, systemic/organizational, technology, and sensory barriers;
· raise awareness about accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities;
· set internal accessibility standards;
· increase accessibility within the organization;
· provide support, information, and education related to accessibility and inclusion; and
· encourage feedback about accessibility issues.

This committee is comprised roughly 25 members, with a mix of appointed positions and at-large positions. We are calling for applications from faculty, staff, and students to serve as At-Large members on the committee. At-Large members will be selected based on alignment of interest and eligibility, and compositional requirements of the Accessibility BC Act. The committee must, to the extent possible, have members who are selected in accordance with the following goals:

· Current members of the SFU community (faculty, staff, and students) with representation from Burnaby, Surrey, and Vancouver campuses.
· At least half of the members are persons with a disability or Individuals who support, or are from units that promote accessibility and/or support persons with disabilities.
· The membership reflects the diversity of persons with disabilities.
· At least one member is an Indigenous person.
· The committee reflects the diversity of persons in British Columbia.

Please note that student participants will receive a honourarium for their participation.

The responses to this voluntary questionnaire will be collected and managed by the Equity Office. Record-level data from this application form and questionnaire will be shared confidentially with the VP PEI and Accessibility Steering Group for the sole purpose of ensuring the compositional diversity of the Accessibility Committee as required under the Accessible BC Act. Record-level data will not be disclosed for any other purpose. Aggregated (non-identifying) data will be shared with the Committee and community for reporting and accountability purposes.

Personal information is collected in this application and questionnaire under the authority of sections 26(a), (c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), and section 9 of the Accessible British Columbia Act (SBC 2021) for the purposes of selecting qualified and diverse members of the Committee. Any questions about the collection and use of this information may be referred to Laya Behbahani, (Director of EDI, Staff) at

Question Title

* 1. I have read the above Collection Notice and consent to the terms of the above Disclosure Notice.