
Thank you for agreeing to review the Building Futures in Alberta (BFIA) program and the financial literacy resources it makes available to Alberta teachers. We would like you to review and assess the value and relevance of the free financial literacy resources to determine if the resources of BFIA are going to be useful to teachers and students in Alberta and then complete this survey. We also welcome any suggestions you may have for additional support material if you believe there are gaps in the content covered by BFIA.

You will see that BFIA provides a variety of teaching tools including:
  • A “Learning Framework” that identifies the areas of knowledge, skills, and behaviours suggested as important for financial literacy
  • A “Learning Map,” that is, suggestions for where financial education can be integrated into Alberta’s school curriculum
  • “Supports for Learning,” that is, suggestions and resources to support the integration of instruction.
BFIA then provides free access to a variety of financial literacy programs and resources, including:
  • “Money and Youth: A Financial Literacy Guide” – which is available in hard copy or digital format and includes both Teachers’ Guide and Parent Guides
  • “FinLit 101” – an online, interactive, self-instruction financial literacy program for students that can also be used by teachers to complement in-class instruction
  • “Money Laughs” – a series of 10 brief humourous videos produced by the “Just For Laughs Gags” group focusing on a variety of money topics and including “Tips” for each topic and a Teacher’s Guide
  • “Talk With Our Kids About Money” – a program for youth ages 8-14 with a chance to win $5,000
  •  “My Money, My Future Challenge” – a program for youth ages 14-18 with a chance to win $10,000
  • “Ambassadors” Program – providing teachers with an opportunity to link to a representative from the financial industry in their own community
  • “Monthly Money Quiz” that students can do independently or in competition with other students, classes, and schools
We very much welcome and appreciate your review and assessment of the tools, resources and programs provided.


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* 1. What type of jurisdiction do you teach in?

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* 2. In which grades do you think teachers would be able to use any or all of the BFIA financial literacy resources?

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* 3. In which subjects do you think teachers would be able to use any or all of the BFIA financial literacy resources?

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* 4. What is your assessment of the “Learning Framework” – that is, the “Grid” and the areas of knowledge, skills, and behaviours suggested as relevant for financial literacy? (select all that you think apply)

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* 5. Overall, how would you rate the “Supports for Instruction” that are provided to help teachers integrate financial education into their teaching?

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* 6. In general, how would you assess the “live-hosted videos” provided in some Modules and Topics to support instruction?

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* 7. How likely are you to use any or all of the “live-hosted videos” that are included in the “Supports for Instruction?”

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* 8. In general, how would you assess the “animations” that are included in the “Supports for Instruction?

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* 9. How likely are you to use any or all of the animations that are included as “Support for Instruction?”

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* 10. Did you try the “Quizzes?”

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* 11. If yes, what is your assessment of their value for teachers to use with students?

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* 12. How likely is it that you would use the quizzes?

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* 13. What is your assessment of the need and value of the “Ambassadors” program?

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* 14. How likely are you to request help and support from an Ambassador?

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* 15. What is your overall assessment of the “Money and Youth” resource?

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* 16. How likely are you to use all or part of the Money and Youth resource?

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* 17. What is your overall assessment of the “Talk With Our Kids About Money” program for students ages 8-14?

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* 18. How likely are you to use the “Talk with Our Kids About Money” (TWOKAM) program with your students?

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* 19. What is your overall assessment of the “My Money, My Future Challenge” program for students ages 8-14?

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* 20. How likely are you to use the “My Money My Future Challenge” program with your students?

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* 21. What is your overall assessment of the “Money Laughs” program?

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* 22. How likely are you to use any or all of the “Money Laughs” program with your students?

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* 23. What is your overall assessment of the “FinLit101” program?

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* 24. How likely are you to use the “FinLit101” program with your students?

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* 25. What is your overall assessment of “The Big Picture” resource?

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* 26. How likely is it that you would use “The Big Picture” resources with your students?

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* 27. How comfortable do you feel introducing financial literacy content covered in the BFIA program to your students?

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* 28. Overall, how would you rate the BFIA website in terms of clarity and ease of navigation?

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* 29. Overall, what is your assessment of the “Building Futures in Alberta” program for Alberta teachers and students?

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* 30. How likely are you to share this financial literacy resource with a colleague?

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* 31. What would you need to make you more comfortable teaching financial literacy content to your students?

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* 32. Are there any areas that you would like to see improved? If so, what do you suggest?

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* 33. Do you have any final comments or questions?

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* 34. Please enter your name and e-mail to qualify for a $500 prize. The draw will be held on June 15, 2022. In addition, every person that you share this resource with, who completes this Survey Monkey questionnaire, you will receive another entry into the draw. Please list the emails for those teachers with whom you have shared so we can accurately assign your entries. Thank you!