Request for OAP Drum Use, SFU Office for Aboriginal People (OAP)--2024

Please use this form to request use of OAP hand-drums/big drum @ SFU. Please note, that SFU faculty and/or staff member must always be present at event. The hand drums also have an orange ribbon on the inside, backside of hoop to help identify them. It is important to keep within times of pick-up and drop off so an OAP Staff member can be on-site.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Cell Phone or local

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* 4. I am currently SFU Faculty and/or staff

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* 5. Faculty/Department:

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* 6. Event Location

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* 7. My request is for

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* 8. Additional Details on your request? (Please use this space)

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* 9. What date and time are you planning to pick-up the drum(s)? It is important to be specific with time of pick-up and drop off so an OAP Staff member can be on-site.

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* 10. What date and time are you planning to return the drum(s)?

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* 11. I agree that I am responsible for the drum(s) during the event and their return to OAP @ 3140 AQ, SFU Burnaby within the time stated

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* 12. Indemnification: By checking this box, you agree that you are responsible for damage or loss of OAP Drums and cost of replacement