Informed Consent

Principal Investigators
Dr. Robert S. Hogg, Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University (
Dr. Kiffer Card, Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University (

You are being asked to participate in a survey. This survey aims to help us understand the relationship between mental health and climate change. To participate, you will be asked to answer questions about your demographics, mental health, media consumption, and feelings about climate change.

Purpose & Objectives
The overall goal of this study is to understand mental health in relation to climate change.

Study Procedure
We are asking you to answer a confidential questionnaire. You should complete the questionnaire by yourself. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes. You may skip questions that you do not wish to answer, or stop at any time.

Potential Risks
Some of the questions in this survey ask you to reveal personal information about yourself, your health, and your life experiences, including stressful and traumatic life experiences. Some individuals may experience stress or discomfort while answering these questions. You may skip questions that you do not wish to answer or you may take a short break at any point in the survey. If you do not want to complete the survey, you can simply close the browser window.

The following is a list of services and supports, including phone and online options, if you are in distress or crisis and require some immediate support. If you do not feel like you are in immediate danger, talk to your doctor or another trusted health professional. The supports listed here can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (unless otherwise noted).

Crisis chat: an online crisis support service for adults (is available 24/7 for voice and 4pm to 12am ET for text):

Kids Help Phone: Free and available 24/7
Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 68686
Potential Benefits
There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this survey. By participating you are helping us better understand how resources can be best used to inform research on climate change and mental health.

Rights and Compensation
This study is completely voluntary. At the end of this survey, you will be automatically directed to a form that will prompt you to enter a draw for a $200 CAD prize, payable by cheque or etransfer from SFU. You must provide your email address to enter. The information you provide in this form will not be linked to your survey responses. If you do not make it to the end of the survey, you will not be able to enter the draw.

Withdrawal from the survey
You may withdraw from the survey by exiting the survey or by skipping all questions and going to the end of the survey to claim your compensation. However, if you decide to quit the survey before finishing it, we will not be able to remove the responses you provided. This is because responses are recorded as each page is completed and we will not know which answers belong to you due to the anonymous nature of the data collection process. 

Your participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. No attempt will be made to identify you based on your survey responses. The data collected may be shared at a later date with other researchers with an interest in validating our findings or conducting additional analyses. 

Data collection and storage
This survey is hosted by Survey Monkey, which is U.S. owned. As such, any data you provide will be transmitted and stored in the US (as well as Canada). It is important to remember that privacy laws vary in different countries and may not be as strong as they are in Canada. We encourage you to read the security and privacy policy for the web survey company at the following link: 

Once the study has concluded, this data will be downloaded to secure servers at Simon Fraser University and deleted from the Survey Monkey platform. 

Data Availability
Results from this study will be published in a public report and shared through academic journals and conferences and via our website ( and social media pages. The data you provide will be kept by the Principal Investigators on secure servers at Simon Fraser University. A public version of the data set will also be made available one year after the results of this study are published to allow other researchers to validate our results and explore additional hypotheses.The public version of the data set will not include any information that can identify you (such as the information you may have shared to be entered into the draw). 

Contact for information about the study
If you have any questions or need further information with respect to this study, you may contact Dr. Kiffer Card at

Contact for concerns about the rights of research subjects
If you have any concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, you may contact the SFU Office of Research Ethics at or 778-782-6618

Question Title

* 1. Do you acknowledge and agree to the conditions outlined above?

12% of survey complete.