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We want to learn more about your organization and how we may work together

Canada will apply the Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy to the Canadarm3 program as part of its sourcing initiative. The ITB Policy is Canada’s main tool for leveraging economic benefits from major Crown procurements by requiring Contractors to undertake business activities in Canada equal to the contract value. Through the ITB Value Proposition (VP) Canada will ensure that Canada’s significant investment in Canadarm3 supports the long-term sustainability and growth of Canada’s space industry.

Please reference the following link for general information on the ITB Policy: 

Link to ITB Policy  

Please note that organizations will not be excluded from consideration based on size or location, and all interested in participating in the Canadarm3 program are requested to complete this questionnaire.

With respect to the requirements of the ITB Policy, in order to assist MDA in evaluating your Company’s suitability for supporting this initiative, MDA requests your Company to complete the following questionnaire.
Preparation of Offline Material
Note that the second question requests information that would best be captured in a separate summary file; and as such, you will be requested to upload a prepared file.

We are very much interested to learn more about your organization; including how it is structured, its worldwide corporate operations, corporate family structure, as well as locations of key responsibility centres (e.g. headquarters, manufacturing, service centres, R&D, marketing, etc.).

Of particular interest is a listing of your Company’s existing Canadian facilities, including the location, date of establishment, nature of operations, number of employees, and place within the worldwide corporate structure.

For each location, provide:

Postal Code:

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your primary point of contact

Question Title

* 2. Tell us more about your organizational structure including worldwide corporate operations, corporate family structure, such as parent and subsidiary relationships, as well the location of key responsibility centres (e.g. headquarters, manufacturing, service centres, R&D, marketing).

Of particular interest is a listing of your Company’s existing Canadian facilities, including the location, date of establishment, nature of operations, number of employees, and place within the worldwide corporate structure.

For each location, provide:

Postal Code:

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. How many full-time personnel does your business have?

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* 4. Based on the following definition, do you meet the definition of Small and Medium Business (SMB)?

SMB Classification: Small and Medium Business or SMB means a Canadian Company with fewer than two hundred and fifty (250) full-time personnel as of the date of entering into a Transaction. Neither (i) agents nor distributors of foreign goods and services nor (ii) any subsidiaries of the Contractor or an Eligible Donor on any contract with IRB/ITB obligations qualify as a Small or Medium Business.

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* 5. Is your company willing to make contractual commitments to ITB/VP?

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* 6. Describe your company’s history and capabilities; including your company’s experience with respect to any ‘Space’ related projects (e.g. Canadarm2, other MDA or Space Industry programs) and location at which the work was performed.

Question Title

* 7. Provide an estimate your company’s Canadian Content Value (CCV): ___%

CCV to be calculated as follows:

  • Total selling price of the product or service;
  • Minus the applicable customs duties, excise taxes, Goods and Services Taxes, Harmonized Sales Taxes and all provincial sales taxes;
  • Minus any ineligible costs, detailed below as “ineligible for Credit”.
Link to CCV Definition

Examples of costs or business activities that are ineligible for Credit when calculating CCV:
  • non-repayable funding from any level of government (municipal, provincial, territorial, or federal);
  • the value of materials, labour and services imported into Canada;
  • in the case of an Indirect Transaction, the value of raw materials and Semi-processed Goods exported from Canada;
  • the value of any remuneration, living costs, travel expenses and relocation costs paid to non-Canadians for work on the Project;
  • the amount of all Excise Taxes, Import Duties, Federal and Provincial Sales Taxes, Goods and Services Taxes, Harmonized Sales Taxes and other duties;
  • the value of any royalties and licence fees paid by the Contractor or an Eligible Donor to a person, company or entity outside of Canada;
  • the value of goods and services with respect to which Credits have been received or are being claimed by the Contractor or an Eligible Donor as a Transaction to Canada under any other obligation or agreement;
  • any proposal or bid preparations costs;
  • all transportation costs;
  • the cost of government furnished equipment (equipment supplied by Canada to be used in the production process; for example, tooling, jigs, dies, production equipment);
  • licence fees paid by the Recipient and any on-going royalty payments;
  • Transactions claimed by a Contractor that pertain to its influence or that of an Eligible Donor over any country’s purchasing agent/department;
  • interest costs associated with letters of credit or other financial instruments to support Transactions;
  • fees paid to lobbyists (as per the Lobbying Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 44 (4th Supp.)); and
  • fees paid to third-party consultants or agents for work related to obtaining Credit against this Contract. This includes, but is not limited to, providing advice on the ITB/IRB policy; preparation of proposed Transactions or reports; representing the interests of the Contractor to the ITB Authority; or searching for potential Recipients.

0 % 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. Please select the types of SERVICES that your organization offers.   You can use Q10 to elaborate upon your selection(s).

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* 9. Please select the types of PRODUCTS / TECHNOLOGIES that your organization offers. You can use Q10 to elaborate upon your selection(s).

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* 10. Describe what services or support you aim to provide to the Canadarm3 program; how it will affect your business growth and evolution (e.g. employment created/maintained, etc.); and, include examples of the types of future endeavors that may result.

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* 11. Describe what technology you anticipate Canadarm3 could develop that would support your future commercialization plans; and how your organization would leverage such technology to support your business goals (e.g. Technology developed on Canadarm3 could support...)

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* 12. Detail any challenges or capability gaps you anticipate might impede your ability to leverage Canadarm3 to realize your goals.

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* 13. How can MDA/Government of Canada help support you to meet these challenges (from Q12)?

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