Thank you so much for your interest and attendance at the 2025 Summit on Mental Health and Climate Change! The following survey is to support us in evaluating and developing the event. We appreciate your feedback and reflections so we can continue to improve the Summit in future years.
Basic Information and Context

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* 1. Which Summit programming day(s) did you attend?

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* 2. Which sector(s) best describes your work environment?

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* 3. What is your primary occupation/role?

Overall Experience

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* 4. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the Summit?

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* 5. Which of the following best describes how you felt about the length and scheduling of the event?

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* 6. Please share any specific feedback on the event format, programming, technology platform, or scheduling:

Future Summits

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* 7. Would you be interested in attending a future Summit? (Currently planned for 2027)

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* 8. How often would you prefer this Summit be held?

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* 9. There has been some discussion of holding in-person satellite events for future Summits (e.g. climate cafes, social gatherings, Summit watch parties, etc.). If these were implemented, are you interested in:

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* 10. If you are interested in an in-person Summit event, in what region and country are you located?

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* 11. While we fully intend for the Summit to continue to be a free event, with changing political and funding landscapes, we are trying to assess different options if funding is not continued. If this were the case, how much would you be willing and able to pay for a registration fee if we were to charge one?
Please note: This is just for information and planning purposes--our goal is to keep the Summit free to attend in the future.

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* 12. What topics or speakers would you like to see featured in future Summits?

Recommendations and Feedback

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* 13. Would you recommend this Summit to a friend or colleague?

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* 14. What could we do to improve the Summit experience in the future?

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* 15. What was your favourite part of the Summit or elements you think we should keep for future Summits?
(E.g. interactive poster presentations, workshops, longer academic presentations, certain talks from the program, etc.)

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* 16. Are there any barriers you faced this Summit or that would prevent you from attending a future Summit? (E.g. travel, scheduling, cost, format, etc.)

Additional Comments

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* 17. Is there anything you would like to share about the Summit that we could publish publicly in our annual reporting or social media?
If so, please share your publicly shareable comment or testimonial here:

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like to share with the Summit organizers?