Exit Returning to Work on Campus (Fall 2021) Question Title * 1. How concerned are you about the large-scale return to work on campus in the fall semester? Extremely concerned Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not so concerned Not at all concerned If you choose to, please explain why: Question Title * 2. When you think about travelling to and from campus during the fall semester, how safe do you feel? Safe Neither safe nor unsafe Unsafe If you choose to, please explain why: Question Title * 3. What campus do you normally work from? One of the Vancouver campuses Surrey campus Multiple campuses Burnaby campus Question Title * 4. Which of the following describe your concerns about returning to work on campus? (Select all that apply.) Getting exposed to the COVID-19 on campus Organizing childcare Leaving family members at home who need assistance Getting exposed to the COVID-19 while commuting to work Decreased flexibility to work from home Decreased productivity Not being able to return to campus due to health reasons Potentially spreading COVID-19 to my coworkers I have no concerns about returning to campus I am already working on campus regularly Something else (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which of the following safety measures would make you feel more comfortable returning to work on campus? (Select all that apply.) Temperature checks before entering a building Hand sanitizer stations Closing any communal spaces (e.g. gym, meeting spaces) Increased office ventilation Implementing a “clean desk policy” so desks can be cleaned more easily Boxed lunches instead of buffet-style lunches Availability of a vaccine Limiting the number of employees on campus Limiting outside visitors on campus Staggering hours/shifts Staggering lunch times Wearing masks on campus Nightly deep cleans/sanitation Installing partitions in between desks Requiring employees to install a contact tracing app to notify you if you have been in close contact with a colleague diagnosed with COVID-19 Availability of antibody testing I am already working on campus regularly Nothing would make me feel comfortable returning to campus Something else (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which of the following would upset you if implemented or required when returning to work on campus? (Select all that apply.) Temperature checks before entering a building Increased office ventilation Hand sanitizer stations Closing any communal spaces (e.g. gym, meeting room) Implementing a “clean desk policy” so desks can be cleaned more easily Boxed lunches instead of buffet-style lunches Getting a vaccine Limiting the number of employees on campus Limiting outside visitors on campus Staggering hours/shifts Staggering lunchtimes Wearing masks on campus Nightly deep cleans/sanitation Installing partitions in between desks Requiring employees to install a contact tracing app to notify you if you have been in close contact with a colleague is diagnosed with COVID-19 Antibody testing I am already working on campus regularly None of these would upset me Something else (please specify) Question Title * 7. How would you complete the following statement? "I have been working remotely, and in the fall semester, I am ..." able to do the majority of my work remotely and my supervisor would support this able to do the majority of my work remotely, and my supervisor would not support this able to do some of my work remotely, and my supervisor would support this able to do some of my work remotely, and my supervisor would not support this My job is unsuited to remote work Comments Question Title * 8. Has working remotely enhanced service to the SFU community members that you currently serve in your role? Yes, working remotely has enhanced service No, working remotely has not enhanced service Working remotely has had no effect I'm not working remotely, so this isn't applicable to me Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. If you worked from home, how productive have you been compared to working on campus? More productive Just as productive Less productive This question does not apply to me Question Title * 10. How easy has it been to communicate with your team or department? Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Question Title * 11. The SFU COVID information page is Covid-19 Resources - Work & research safety. Were you aware of this page? Yes, and I have found the information I needed Yes, but I didn't find the information I needed Yes, but I didn't visit No, I was not aware of this page Question Title * 12. SFU is planning a town hall meeting about the return to campus. Were you aware of this? Yes, and I plan to attend Yes, but I don't plan to attend No, but I now plan to attend No, and I am not planning to attend Question Title * 13. How can SFU best support you in transitioning back to work on campus? Question Title * 14. What has SFU done in response to COVID-19 that has positively impacted your experience as an employee? Question Title * 15. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Done