Tending to the community we love -- what's next?

Over the next ten years, your Bowen Island/ Nex̱wlélex̱m Community Foundation will grant approximately $1,500,000 to community projects. The ideas for these projects are generated by people like you. Will you help us by filling in this feedback form?

The following questions should take you about 15 minutes or so to complete.

If possible, set aside free, uninterrupted time. If you’d like to take some time to read past VC reports and past projects, please feel free to do so.

Now get comfortable. The most important contribution you can make is just be yourself, addressing each question from your own perspective, using your own words and expressing your own feelings. Feel free to write as little or as much as you’d like and if you need to exit the survey and finish later, feel free to do so.

Thank you for sharing your ideas and stories with us.

Please Note: Responses will be aggregated and will not be attributed to individuals.
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