Purpose of the Study

Hello and welcome to the CrypTrust survey!

We are a team at the International CyberCrime Research Centre, at Simon Fraser University. Our team is researching trust and the decision-making processes for users who make illicit online purchases. Trust is what allows two anonymous parties, usually the vendor and the buyer, to agree to a deal while believing that their deal will be honoured. The aim is the creation of a trust matrix and threat model. There will be three parts to this survey; 1. Internet habits. 2. Scenarios (5 of them) and 3. Demographic information. The first section will ask questions about internet habits. The five scenarios are adapted from real life stories and we ask that you put yourself into the main character’s shoes and decide on an action and what you would consider important. The names have no relation to real people. Finally, there are some general demographic questions. No personal responses will be published. Results will only be used in the form of grouped or summary statistics.

No attempts will be made to identify the participant.

The survey is estimated to take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate that you are taking the time to look over this.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance!

This study is sponsored by the Crime Reduction Research Program, which is made up of The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Policing and Security Branch, and Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police “E” Division, and the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit-BC.