Question Title

* 2. Is this your first Red Cross First Aid course? Please choose the answer which best fits your response.

Question Title

* 3. Instructor

Question Title

* 4. Date of Course (month/year)

Question Title

* 5. City

Question Title

* 7. Red Cross courses are run by Training Partners in the community. Name the Training Partner from whom you took the course:

Question Title

* 8. How satisfied were you with the provider from whom you took your course on the following criteria?

  Not satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Information provided and ease of registration
Training facilities and equipment

Question Title

* 9. How do you rate your overall satisfaction with this course?

Question Title

* 10. How prepared do you feel to use the knowledge and skills acquired through this course?

Question Title

* 11. How satisfied were you with the following materials used in your course?

  Not satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not applicable
Red Cross manual/text
Instructional slide deck/presentation
Red Cross video clips/demos
Manikins and AED equipment for hands-on training

Question Title

* 12. Why did you choose to take a Red Cross First Aid Course? Please choose the item that best fits your answer.

Question Title

* 13. How did you find out about this course?

Question Title

* 14. How easy was it to find information about the Red Cross course you attended (Provider/location/date)?

Question Title

* 15. Which was your key reason for taking this course? Please choose one as appropriate.

Question Title

* 16. Did you have any concerns about the Red Cross training? Please provide specific details and a way to contact you for follow-up.

Question Title

* 17. Please add here any other comments or suggestions you would like to make:

Question Title

* 18. Please check off if we can use your comments in future marketing materials (anonymously)?

Question Title

* 19. Your name can be entered into our annual draw for a Red Cross First Aid Kit. Please provide your contact information below.