Question Title

* 2. Instructor Trainer (name):

Question Title

* 3. Date of Course (month/year):

Question Title

* 4. City:

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied were you with the content/information provided to you in the course you attended based on the following criteria?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied
Technical content information on the skills and standards
Review of the Participant Manual
Review of the Instructor Resources

Question Title

* 7. How satisfied were you with the skills session based on the following criteria?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied
New skills were demonstrated clearly
Practice time was suitable to ensure skills were met

Question Title

* 8. How do you rate your overall satisfaction with this course?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied
Content of the course
Format of the course
Value of the course to you

Question Title

* 9. How prepared do you feel to teach the courses?

  Very prepared Prepared Somewhat prepared Not prepared Not applicable
First Aid programs (Emergency, Standard, CPR)
Basic Life Support
Child Care First Aid & CPR
Marine First Aid & CPR
First Responder
Emergency Medical Responder
Wilderness & Remote First Aid
Preventing Disease Transmission
Psychological First Aid

Question Title

* 10. How satisfied are you with the following materials used in your course?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied
Applicable participant manual(s)
Instructor Manual
Red Cross Course Presentation and video clips
Hands on training with equipment (mannequins and AED equipment)

Question Title

* 11. How easy was it to find the Red Cross Course you attended?

Question Title

* 12. Was the length of the course what was advertised/or expected?

Question Title

* 13. Number of candidates in the course

Question Title

* 14. Number of Instructor Trainers for the course?

Question Title

* 15. How would you describe the process of completing your co-teach requirements?

Question Title

* 16. Any additional feedback you would like to share?