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You are invited to participate in an on-line survey that is part of a research study at Emily Carr University. The “Creating Impact Through Community-based Co-Design Projects within Curriculum” research study is to evaluate the impact of community based co-design courses on student learning and will explore how community-based projects can support equity, diversity and inclusion within the teaching and learning environment.​ ​If you are a past or present student that has taken a Design class with one of the following organizations you are welcome to participate in this survey. 

● Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School (KGMS) 

● Disability Alliance of BC (DABC) 

● Vancouver Coastal Health - Long Term Care Homes (VCH-LTC) 
   (Often referred to as the Zeitgeist or Perspectives Project) 
         ○ Purdy Pavillion 
         ○ Haro Park 

This survey consists of 7 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions and is expected to take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. 

Your participation in this on-line survey is voluntary. You may choose to answer as many questions as you wish, or stop at any time. By answering the questions in the survey, you are agreeing to participate. There will be no negative consequences if you choose not to complete the survey. The survey asks for no direct identifiers.The information that you provide will be shared in an anonymous format. It is possible, though unlikely, that you may be identifiable through the information that you provide. 

Results of this study may be published in reports, websites, professional and scholarly journals, internet archives, and/or presentations to conferences and colloquia. Study results will be available by contacting Caylee Raber via ​​.

If you have any further questions concerning this research, please do not hesitate to contact the researchers listed below 

Principal Investigator: 

Caylee Raber, Director, Health Design Lab (HDL) 

Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD) 

Other Researchers: 

Lisa Boulton, Co-Investigator, Health Design Lab (HDL) Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD) 

This survey has been approved by the Emily Carr University Research Ethics Board ECU-REB100402 as of November 24,2020.

Question Title

* 1. I participated in a Emily Carr University course with the following community partner 

Question Title

* 2. In what year did you take the above listed course? 

Question Title

* 3. Did you take this course online as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Question Title

* 4. Are you currently working in a field where you apply your skills of design? 

Question Title

* 5. On a scale of 1 to 5, How valuable did you find this course in relation to other core studio classes at Emily Carr?
(1 Indicating the least valuable and 5, the most valuable)

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. On a scale of 1 to 5, what impact has this course had on your learning personally and professionally? 
(1 indicating low impact and 5 indicating high impact)

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. On a scale of 1 to 5, would you recommend this style of course continue to be offered in the design program?
(1 indicating "No" and 5 "Absolutely!")

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. How has working with your co-designers impacted your views and/or practice today? 

Question Title

* 9. What did you learn in this class that you currently apply to: 
              a. Your life and/or 
              b. Your work

Question Title

* 10. Describe how working in community for this course was different from other core curriculum at Emily Carr University

Question Title

* 11. What challenged you about community-based course work?

Question Title

* 12. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?

0 of 12 answered