You are invited to participate in a research study entitled: “Queering the Academy: Experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff in Canadian Higher Education.”

Principal Investigators:
Rachel Loewen Walker, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Department of Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan,
Todd Morrison, Department of Psychology and Health Studies, University of Saskatchewan,

Student Researchers:
Terri Croteau, Department of Psychology and Health Studies, University of Saskatchewan,
Gwen Rose, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan,

Purpose and Procedure: The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ instructors, researchers, and staff on Canadian post-secondary campuses. As a participant in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey containing both demographic questions (e.g., age, gender, sexual orientation, institution) and questions related to your experience as a 2SLGBTQ+ person working in a higher education setting (e.g., advocacy work, job satisfaction, microaggressions). The survey should take about 45 minutes to complete.

Potential Risks: There are no known risks to you by participating in this research. It is possible, however, that some participants might experience social, psychological, or emotional discomfort while answering some of the questions. Should any part of your participation make you feel uncomfortable, distressed, and/or upset, we encourage you to contact Crisis Services Canada's toll-free helpline, which is available 24/7: 1-833-456-4566. An LGBTQ Support help line is also available by text message from 4:00pm-9:30pm, Sunday-Friday: 1-647-694-4275.

Potential Benefits: This research will provide important insight into the experiences of 2SLBGTQ+ instructors, researchers, and staff on Canadian post-secondary campuses. It has the potential to reduce stigma, increase appreciation for the unique experiences and points-of-view 2SLGBTQ+ people bring to post-secondary institutions, and reveal opportunities for better supporting diversity and inclusion across Canadian campuses.

Compensation: All participants will be entered into a draw to obtain one of 25 gift cards from SkipTheDishes, each at a value of $50 (CDN). Entrance into this draw is not dependent on full completion of the survey; if you choose to withdraw, you will still have a chance to enter the draw. To maintain anonymity, your email address will be stored separately and will not be linked with your survey responses. Any personal information collected as a record of honorarium payment will be stored separately from the data by the PI and may be kept for 7 years in case the University of Saskatchewan is subjected to a financial audit.

Anonymity and Confidentiality: The data collected in this study will be kept completely anonymous and no self-identifying information will be linked to your data. All data will be reported in aggregate form. The data collected may be presented at a conference and/or published in an academic journal. Please be advised that if you choose to contact the researchers by email or other means that provide identifying information, then your anonymity is lost (i.e., the researchers will know you participated in the study). However, confidentiality with respect to the fact that you did participate will remain protected and the researchers will not know which survey belongs to you.
Storage of Data: This survey is hosted by Survey Monkey. Your data will be stored in facilities hosted in Canada. Please see the following for more information on the Survey Monkey Privacy Policy. Your data will be stored by the research supervisor on a University of Saskatchewan password-protected computer for a minimum of five years after completion of the study (or five years after publication if published in an academic journal) and will be destroyed beyond recovery when they are no longer required.

Right to Withdraw: Your participation is voluntary, and you are free to omit any questions you wish without penalty or consequence. You may withdraw from the research project for any reason, at any time without explanation or penalty of any sort. Should you wish to withdraw, any data that you have contributed will be destroyed beyond recovery. Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until the data have been submitted (i.e., you have clicked the final “done” button). After this point, it is not possible to withdraw your data as we have no way of determining the identity of any respondent once they have submitted their questionnaire.

Funding: This project is funded by SSHRC through a Partnership Development Grant. The researchers have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Follow Up: To obtain results from the study, please email Terri Croteau at or Rachel Loewen Walker at

Questions or Concerns: Please feel free to contact the researchers using above information if you have any questions or concerns at any point during the study. This research project has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan’s Behavioural Research Ethics board on July 17, 2024. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office:; 306-966-2975; out of town participants may call toll free 1-888-966-2975.

Question Title

I have read and understood the description provided above. I consent to participate in the study described, understanding that I may withdraw from the study at any time.