Royal Roads University Story Exchange

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RRU students sitting around a table sharing stories
The Royal Roads Story Exchange is the RRU Communications team's hub to collect stories to share with the world
We regularly share stories about the RRU Community. Please visit Royal Roads News to see samples of our recent stories.
Ideas submitted through this online form will be considered for stories on the website and social media. We're always looking for stories that shine a spotlight on the student experience and faculty research.
Share your story idea with us

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* Please tell us your story idea
Example: Veronica Woodruff, a student in the MA Leadership program, is using her thesis research to help prepare the Sea-to-Sky region for natural disasters.

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* Who should we interview to help tell the story?

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* Please share any information about timing for your story (Is your idea tied to an event date? A report release date? A holiday? Is it a hot topic in the media?)

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* What makes the story interesting to a general public audience?

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* Please share any digital content (photos, graphics) you have to help bring your story to life

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* Your contact information