Subatomic Physics LRP - Topical Townhall 2 |
Interfaces with other research fields
The Canadian Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan Committee is seeking your input on a few questions in preparation for a Topical Townhall meeting covering the interface with other research fields, collaboration with industry and society. For more information about the Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan, please visit: https://subatomicphysics.ca/.
Please feel free to answer only a subset of questions - your feedback is welcome. Completing them should only a few minutes. Note that this survey is anonymous, unless you choose to provide your name in the last question. Responses will be used to help the LRP Committee prepare the content of Topical Townhall 2.
Please feel free to answer only a subset of questions - your feedback is welcome. Completing them should only a few minutes. Note that this survey is anonymous, unless you choose to provide your name in the last question. Responses will be used to help the LRP Committee prepare the content of Topical Townhall 2.
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