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* 1. Would you like to participate in I4R's Replication Games at the University of Göttingen on Monday April 7th, 2025?

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* 2. What is your name?

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* 3. What is your email address?

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* 4. Do you plan on attending the Replication Games in-person or virtually?

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* 5. What is your affiliation (university, institution, business, etc.)?

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* 6. Which best describes your current position

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* 7. Please describe your skill level with the following software:

  Never used Beginner Intermediate Advanced

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* 8. What is your academic discipline?

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* 9. Please describe your subfield(s) of expertise and interest for this event.

Examples include: educational psychology, American politics, labour economics, health economics, comparative politics, applied statistics, etc.

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* 10. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, or preferences.

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* 11. If applicable, please provide members of teammates who you'd like to work with during the Replication Games

(Please contact them beforehand and make sure they also sign up for the games)

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* 12. This event is for researchers interested in reproducing/replicating papers in either: (1) Deforestation or, more generally, (2) Social Sciences (Economics, Political Science, Psychology).

Which stream would you like to be put into?

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* 13. For those reproducing/replicating papers in deforestation, do you require assistance with travel expenses for the Replication Games?