
In June of 2017, 2 mobile safe consumption sites were established in Kamloops, one on the north shore and another on the south shore. These sites offer supervised consumption services for drug users in Kamloops.

We are conducting a survey on the impact of the mobile safe consumption site on residents in your community. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Laura Lamb and Ehsan Latif are the research investigators, both are faculty members in the Department of Economics at Thompson Rivers University. Please contact Dr. Ehsan Latif, the Economics Chair at 250-377-6026 if you have any concerns about this survey. If you have any concerns about the ethics of this survey, please contact the Chair of the TRU Research Ethics Board at 250-852-7122.

The purpose of the survey is to examine the opinions and perceptions of residents located in the neighbourhoods of the safe consumption sites. The information from these surveys will be provide valuable information to policy makers and other stakeholders in Kamloops, and may be used for a presentation or publication. For a copy of the executive summary of the survey results, email Laura Lamb at   

Please answer these questions candidly, your cooperation is much appreciated. Your responses are completely anonymous and confidential.  You have the right to refuse to participate or withdraw from this survey at any time without any consequence. If this survey is completed it will be assumed that consent has been given.

Image of Clocktower
10% of survey complete.