Before you begin, ensure you have all necessary materials to complete the application. Once you exit the survey, your application is submitted as is. If you are not finished completing the information, leave the SurveyMonkey application, you will not be able to return to where you left off and your application will be considered incomplete.

Please note, as outlined in the CGPS policy on Centrally Administered Funding, that a student may not hold two major internal institutional scholarships at the same time, or a major institutional scholarship and a major external scholarship. A major scholarship is defined as equal to or more than $20,000 per annum. Top-up awards and honorary scholarships at a reduced value may be combined with major scholarships. It is your responsibility to inform the College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies of any such funding that you are receiving.

Teacher Scholar Doctoral Fellowships (TSDF) are mentored graduate teaching fellowships available to doctoral students only in an open university-wide competition supported by the College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (CGPS) in partnership with the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL).

Recipients are expected to teach a course within their subject matter expertise area that has a minimum expected enrolment of at least 20 students. All recipients must meet all of the appropriate academic and/or professional qualifications before being appointed as a sessional lecturer.

A recipient’s teaching assignment can be in a different unit from that in which they are completing their graduate program, as long as the teaching assignment is still within the recipient’s and faculty mentor’s areas of subject expertise.

Recipients must ensure that their teaching responsibilities will not conflict with the requirements of the TSDF program in Term 2, including the biweekly GPS 982 meetings from 1:30 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. on Thursday afternoons.

Applicants must be nominated by a faculty mentor, who must complete their portion of the application package. Contact your home unit for more information on being nominated for this award.

Applicants will need to attach their up-to-date CV to this application.

Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 4:30 pm CST

Question Title

* 1. Data Management & Privacy