Information Letter and Consent Form

Principal Investigators: You are invited to take part in a research study being conducted by William Laframboise and Dr. Kelly Arbeau with the Department of Psychology at Trinity Western University.

William Laframboise
PH: 604–798–7916

Kelly Arbeau, PhD
PH: 604-888-7511

Purpose: You are invited to take part in a research study examining possible associations of social and religious engagement on academic burnout among university undergraduates.

Academic burnout refers to feelings of emotional exhaustion and negativity from prolonged academic stress.

Who can take part: You are eligible to participate if you are an undergraduate student at a college or university.

Procedures: We would like to ask you to please complete a series of questions about your social involvement, social support, any religious involvement, your background, and your interests and experiences. The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your decision to participate in this study is entirely voluntary and you may decide at any time to withdraw from the study. You can answer honestly: nobody will judge you or what you have to say.

Potential Risks and Discomforts: The risks in this study are no greater than those experienced in daily life. If you feel discomfort with your participation at any time, please contact William Laframboise ( You may also contact William with any questions about the scholarly rationale for this study.

Benefits to Participants and/or to Society: There are no direct benefits to taking part in this study. However, this research may contribute to the advancement of our understanding of the factors that affect academic burnout in students. To share what we learn, the information you provide may be presented at professional conferences or published in academic journals.

Privacy and Confidentiality: All information gathered in this study is anonymous and will be kept confidential. We will not ask for your name or for other identifying information. Only the members of the research team will have access to your data.

The intended uses of the research are research articles and presentations. You will not be personally identified in any presentations and publications. Any published or presented reports of this study will discuss only group tendencies, not the results for any specific person.

Data Maintenance: All electronic data will be stored indefinitely on the Trinity Western University psychology department’s secure storage system, as this is an essential practice for psychological research to ensure that data is presented and analyzed accurately.

Remuneration/Compensation: N/A

Contact for information about the study: If you have any questions about this study or would like to receive more information about this project, please contact William Laframboise at You are also warmly invited to contact William to request a copy of a report of the research findings.

Contact for concerns about the rights of research participants: If you have any concerns about your treatment or rights as a research participant, you may contact the Ethics Compliance Officer in the Office of Research, Trinity Western University at 604-513-2167 or This office is independent of the researchers.
Voluntary Participation: You are under no obligation to participate in this study. Your participation is completely voluntary. You are not obliged to answer any specific questions. Even if you agree to be in the study, you can change your mind and stop taking part at any time. Simply close the browser at any time if you decide to stop participating. It will not be possible to remove your data after the survey has been submitted because it is anonymous.
Consent Statement

By clicking “continue” you indicate that you have read this form, and you understand who to contact if you have questions about your participation. You agree to participate in the research study described above. You also agree that you are at or above the age of majority where you live. Please retain a copy of this consent form for your own records.

Question Title

* I consent to taking part in this study.

The data from this study may be used in future research. If you do not wish it to be used in future research, you may indicate so below. It will then not be used beyond this study.

Question Title

* Do you consent to allow your data from this study (in anonymous form) to be used in future research?