Implied Consent Form

11% of survey complete.
Title of the study: The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Problematic Internet Pornography Use and the Mediating Role of Psychological Mechanisms

Principal Investigator:
Zaki Khouani
Candidate, Master of Arts, Counseling and Spirituality
School of Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Spirituality Saint Paul University
Ottawa, ON

Guillaume Durand
Faculty of Human Sciences
School of Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Spirituality Saint Paul University
Ottawa, ON

Invitation to Participate:
You are invited to participate in the above-mentioned research study conducted by Zaki Khouani. This project is not funded.

Purpose of the Study:
This study aims to explore the correlation between childhood trauma and problematic internet pornography use, focusing on psychological factors that might mediate this relationship. We hope to understand better the underlying mechanisms that lead to problematic behaviors and provide data that may help develop targeted interventions.

If you wish to participate in this study, please complete the following survey. Your decision to complete this survey will be interpreted as an indication of your consent to participate. The survey should take you approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. You do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer.

In this study, you will be asked to complete a few demographic questions, and complete the following measures: childhood trauma assessment, problematic pornography use questionnaire, attachment styles questionnaire, coping mechanisms scale, and metacognitive beliefs questionnaire. You will then receive a debriefing online explaining the purpose and objectives of the study. The debriefing will only be available at the very end of the study.

Participation in this research will help further the field of psychological issues related to childhood trauma and their impact on internet pornography use.

The present study is considered minimal risk. However, some questions in this study may be difficult to answer for some participants. Participants are free to refuse to answer any question that would cause discomfort and to stop the study without needing to provide any justification. In case of psychological distress associated with this study, you can seek help by contacting the Tel-aide (514-935-1101; for Québec residents), Crisis line (1-866-996-0991; for Ontario residents), or Crisis Services Canada (1-833-456-4566; Canada wide).

Confidentiality and Anonymity:
The information that you will share will not allow to identify you in any way. Anonymity is guaranteed because you are not being asked to provide your name or any identifiable information that could be used to trace and/or identify you in any way. No one, including the principal investigator, will be able to identify participants, before or after publication. At the end of the study, the raw dataset will be published online on Open Science Framework, alongside the scientific article that will discuss the results.

Conservation of Data:
The data will be kept indefinitely as it will be published online. Please keep in mind that, given the anonymous nature of the study, it is not possible for participants to withdraw their data from the study as the researcher will be unable
Voluntary Participation:
You are under no obligation to participate and if you choose to participate, you may refuse to answer questions that you do not want to answer. Completion of the questionnaire by you implies consent.

Information about the Study Results:
Findings will be published in the form of a research article approximately 9 to 18 months after the end of the recruitment period. If you have any questions or require more information about the study itself, you may contact the researcher at the e-mail mentioned herein.

If you have any questions with regards to the ethical conduct of this study, you may contact the Office of Research and Ethics, Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street, Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4
Tel.: (613) 236-1393.

The present research was approved by the REB of Saint Paul University on June 19, 2024 (file
number [1360.1/24 ]).

Please save or print a copy of the consent form for your records.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Zaki Khouani

Question Title

* Do you consent to participating in this study