Register for Peel's Multicultural Media Program

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* 1. I/we would like to register for Peel’s Media Program.

By registering, I/we agree to:
  • Receive emails from the Peel regarding the Program
  • Provide a rate card upon registration and at every renewal cycle (every 4- years, based on the term of council)
  • Provide proof of circulation, including the reach and/or Unique Views Per Mention (UVPM), for the publication or outlet being registered
  • Provide the Peel with bi-annual copies of the publication free of charge through the duration of their registration
  • Provide Peel with tear sheets for all Regional print advertisements with their publication

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* 2. Advertising representative's contact information (this person must have the authority to agree on behalf of the publication or media outlet that is registering for the Program).

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* 3. Language of publication (please select all that apply)

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* 4. What multicultural community do you serve? 

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* 5. Website of the publication or outlet:

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* 6. When was the publication established?


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* 7. List all media associations your publication is a member of

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* 8. Is your publication's circulation audited?

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* 9. Is your publication distributed in Peel?

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* 10. Publication circulation

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* 11. Format