Exit West Coast Model EU 2025 Question Title * 1. Last name Question Title * 2. First Name Question Title * 3. Middle Initial Question Title * 4. Preferred First Name/Nickname Question Title * 5. UVic NetLink ID (else Student ID) Question Title * 6. Academic Program Major(s) Minor (if applicable) Other status (if applicable) Question Title * 7. Gender Male Female Nonbinary Question Title * 8. Preferred Pronouns She/Her/Hers He/Him/His They/Their/Theirs Question Title * 9. Preferred Email Address Question Title * 10. Preferred Cell Phone Number Question Title * 11. Ok to receive texts and calls at the cell phone number above? (mind you, we prefer emails, but reaching participants has at times been a problem in recent years) Texts OK Calls OK Ideally only if need be Please, don't Question Title * 12. Ok to appear in photos taken during the event Yes, no problem No, I prefer not to Question Title * 13. How did you hear about the West Coast Model EU? Through a past participant to the WCMEU (from UVic) Through a past participant to the EU Study tour (UVic) Through a past participant to the WCMEU (other institutions) Through the UVic Website Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Did you attend the info session at Uvic? Yes, I attended the in-person info session Yes, I attended the online info session No Question Title * 15. Please explain why you are interested in the West Coast Model EU? (75 words maximum) Question Title * 16. What you are hoping to learn from the experience? (75 words maximum) Question Title * 17. What skills/characteristics you have that would make you a successful participant? (75 words maximum) Question Title * 18. Academic transcript attachment Please attach your (unofficial) transcript in Pdf format PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please attach your (unofficial) transcript in Pdf format Question Title * 19. I understand that my participation in the West Coast Model EU entails certain fees to cover, including hotel and travel costs, and that these costs are independent from the $200 grant offered by EUS. I also understand that when admitted to one of the UVic teams and after confirming my participation I need to make every effort to go and not let the UVic team down. Yes, I understand Question Title * 20. I understand that participating in the West Coast Model EU sessions is an activity that requires commitment and preparation, involving readings and other assignments to be completed before departure. Yes, I understand Question Title * 21. I understand that there will be several steps involving compliance to UVic rules and protocol for field schools (e.g. providing proof of coverage of emergency travel medical insurance; pre-departure preparation; etc). I agree to complete the requested steps in a timely fashion. Yes, I agree Question Title * 22. I acknowledge that due to the unforeseen circumstances changes to/cancellation of the West Coast Model EU Conference may be necessary. (This happened once in the past, at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any such changes would of course be communicated promptly to all registered participants). Yes, I acknowledge this possibility Done