Question Title

* 1. Last name

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Middle Initial

Question Title

* 4. Preferred First Name/Nickname

Question Title

* 5. UVic NetLink ID (else Student ID)

Question Title

* 6. Academic Program

Question Title

* 7. Gender

Question Title

* 8. Preferred Pronouns

Question Title

* 9. Preferred Email Address

Question Title

* 10. Preferred Cell Phone Number

Question Title

* 11. Ok to receive texts and calls at the cell phone number above? (mind you, we prefer emails, but reaching participants has at times been a problem in recent years)

Question Title

* 12. Ok to appear in photos taken during the event

Question Title

* 13. How did you hear about the West Coast Model EU?

Question Title

* 14. Did you attend the info session at Uvic?

Question Title

* 15. Please explain why you are interested in the West Coast Model EU? (75 words maximum)

Question Title

* 16. What you are hoping to learn from the experience? (75 words maximum)

Question Title

* 17. What skills/characteristics you have that would make you a successful participant? (75 words maximum)

Question Title

* 18. Academic transcript attachment

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 19. I understand that my participation in the West Coast Model EU entails certain fees to cover, including hotel and travel costs, and that these costs are independent from the $200 grant offered by EUS.

I also understand that when admitted to one of the UVic teams and after confirming my participation I need to make every effort to go and not let the UVic team down.

Question Title

* 20. I understand that participating in the West Coast Model EU sessions is an activity that requires commitment and preparation, involving readings and other assignments to be completed before departure.

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* 21. I understand that there will be several steps involving compliance to UVic rules and protocol for field schools (e.g. providing proof of coverage of emergency travel medical insurance; pre-departure preparation; etc). I agree to complete the requested steps in a timely fashion.

Question Title

* 22. I acknowledge that due to the unforeseen circumstances changes to/cancellation of the West Coast Model EU Conference may be necessary. (This happened once in the past, at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any such changes would of course be communicated promptly to all registered participants).