
Please complete the application form no later than Monday, February 1, 2021. This is a firm deadline and no projects will be accepted after this date.

Please note that each supervisor can only submit one project and supervise one student. All students and projects will be ranked and the final decisions will be announced no later than Thursday, April 1st, 2021.

This year, we are asking supervisors to submit a full project proposal by the February 1st deadline.

All faculty members are reminded that if your project is selected, your contribution to the program will be $1,500* and you must agree to:
-serve as a judge at the poster session during the annual Faculty of Medicine Research Day.
-use best EDI practices in selecting summer student candidates

*Please note some priority announcements may have different requirements.

In order to promote research in strategic areas of development as outlined in the Faculty of Medicine’s 2020-2025 Strategic plan, each year priority announcements will be made in collaboration with our partners.

1. Social Accountability
    In 2021, eight (8) summer studentships will be allocated to the priority area of Social Accountability:
  • Five (5) of these will be awarded to faculty members working in collaboration with community stakeholders
  • Three (3) of these will be awarded directly to community stakeholders themselves
  • Participating community organizations will receive a small  research stipend of $500
At least one studentship will be allocated to each of our priority areas of Indigenous, Francophone, rural/remote and marginalized populations. Please see program Terms of Reference for additional details. 

2. Mach-Gaensslen Foundation
    The Mach-Gaensslen Foundation is again providing five (5) awards. The Foundation's objectives are to:
  • Carry out, support and promote medical research in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry,
  • Disseminate the findings of such research to the interested public, and
  • Promote excellence in education in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry.
3. Wellness/ Equity Diversity and Inclusion / Professionalism
    In 2021, two (2) summer studentships will be allocated to the priority areas of Wellness, EDI, and Professionalism. Projects should demonstrate relevance to and potential impact on one or more of these priority areas. Please see program Terms of Reference for additional details. 

Question Title

* 1. Type of Research

Question Title

* 2. Please check below if you wish your project to be considered for one of the priority areas?

Question Title

* 3. Project Title

Question Title

* 4. Research Summary/Abstract (maximum 250 words to be distributed to prospective students)

Question Title

* 5. Please provide a description of how your project will address sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA+); If SGBA+ is not applicable, please outline why. Need more information on SGBA+? Please visit  (maximum 250 words)

Question Title

* 6. If applicable, describe how your project meets the criteria for one of the priority areas. Please be specific.  (maximum 250 words)

Question Title

* 7. Research & Training Plan (maximum 1 page). Please include your research question, introduction, objectives, methods, training plan and impact statement.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Do you agree to utilize best EDI practices to interview and select candidates, including establishing selection criteria prior to screening the applications, to ensure an unbiased, consistent and transparent selection process. For more ideas on EDI Best Practices please visit:

Question Title

* 9. Supervisor First Name

Question Title

* 10. Supervisor Last Name

Question Title

* 12. Contact Information

Question Title

* 13. Please tell us what email address you would like students to use to contact you about your project.