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* 1. Alison and Jagmeet are good friends and in the same class at school. The teacher has assigned a group assignment, and has asked Alison and Jagmeet to work in different groups. Jagmeet quickly gets invited to work in a group with three other students. Why do you think the other students are so eager to include Jagmeet in their group?

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* 2. Alison has had to ask two groups to be included before she found a group to work with. Alison is usually very popular in the playground, why do you think she is having difficulty finding a group to work on the project with?

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* 3. One of the things that binds Alison and Jagmeet's friendship is they both are passionate about the environment. What actions would they take that demonstrate this?

Watch the following video and answer the questions that follow:

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* 4. If we all followed Alison and Jagmeet's example and only purchase what we need, what would the impact be?

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* 5. Canada and the United Nations has committed to achieving responsible consumption by what year?

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* 6. How can manufacturers contribute to achieving responsible consumption?

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* 7. This is an election year! Your teacher has assigned each of you to a political party to learn about their platform and specifically about their plan to reach responsible consumption by 2030. Why is it important for you to learn about this?

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* 8. At home, you have discussing saving your money for post secondary education. You have expressed interest in investing your money in companies that are working towards achieving responsible consumption. Why is this important to you?

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* 9. If you invest $1000 in a company that seems to be working toward achieving responsible consumption, and then do not, what might happen to your $1000?

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* 10. If you decide to sell your investment because you no longer believe in the company, how will you feel if you lose money?

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* 11. If you decide to leave your investment and the company makes a profit despite not achieving its responsible consumption goals by 2030, how would you feel?

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* 12. When looking towards responsible consumption, it is important to distinguish between renewable resources and non-renewable resources? What is the difference?