Question Title

* 1. What was your initial purpose for migrating to Canada?

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* 2. What is your status in Canada? 

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* 3. How long have you lived in Canada?

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* 4. What Country did you migrate from prior to arriving in Canada?

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* 5. Do you plan to reside in Canada permanently? 

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* 6. Upon arrival in Canada, could you communicate in English or French? 

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* 7. What is the highest level of education you completed in Canada? 

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* 8. Which of the following age group do you belong to? 

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* 9. What gender do you identify with: 

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* 10. Did your parents or grandparents migrate with you to Canada upon initial arrival? 

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* 11. If you answered no to Question 10, have you been able to reunite with your parents or grandparents on a permanent basis in Canada since you arrived?

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* 12. If you answered yes to Question 10, how were you able to reunite permanently with your parents or grandparents? 

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* 13. If you answered no to Question 10, have you ever submitted an interest to apply or an application to sponsor your parents or grandparents to become permanent residents of Canada?

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* 14. If you answered yes to Question 13, when did you submit an interest to apply or an application to sponsor your parents or grandparents?

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* 15. If you answered yes to Question 13, why did you submit an interest to apply or application to sponsor your parents or grandparents to move to Canada permanently?

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* 16. If you answered yes to Question 13, how many times have you submitted an application or interest to sponsor your parents or grandparents?

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* 17. When you submitted an interest to apply or an application to sponsor your parents or grandparents to become permanent residents, was your application or interest to sponsor selected or approved?

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* 18. If your answer was yes to Question 17, after how many attempts to sponsor your parents or grandparents was your interest to apply or application (if applicable) selected?

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* 19. If the answer to #18 is still attempting (E), please specify the number of times you have attempted to submit an interest to sponsor your parents or grandparents.

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* 20. When you submitted an interest to apply or an application to sponsor your parents or grandparents to become permanent residents, which of these programs did you use?

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* 21. Have you ever applied for the Super-visa (10-year temporary visa, that allows your parents or grandparents visit for 2 years at a time)? 

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* 22. If you answered yes to Question 21, why did you apply for the Super-visa for your parents or grandparents?

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* 23. Do you plan to relocate back to your home country? 

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* 24. If yes, what is your reason for considering relocating back to your home country? 

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* 25. If you were interested in bringing your parents or grandparents to Canada, what would be your preferred stream of doing so?

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* 26. Please, feel free to share any commentary you have regarding the Parent, Grandparents sponsorship program. Any proposed policies you believe should implemented, past experiences and others). Thank you for taking the time out to fill the survey!