Project Title: Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Service Dog Teams in Academic Environments
Student Researcher(s): Carson Squair, Undergraduate Student, Department of Psychology and Health Studies, University of Saskatchewan,
Supervisor: Dr. Linzi Williamson, Department of Psychology and Health Studies,, 306-966-6657
Purpose and Objective of the Research: The primary purpose of this study is to train the student researcher in the methods of behavioural research. The secondary purpose aims to explore undergraduate student perceptions of service dogs and their handlers in shared academic environments, focusing on how peers perceive and react to service dog teams (i.e., service dog + handler) based on the disability-support the service dog provides.
Procedures: Participants are invited to complete an online questionnaire through the University of Saskatchewan’s Sona Systems hosted by SurveyMonkey. Participants will be randomly assigned to read one of three vignettes describing a student/handler who comes to campus with their service dog and the tasks the service dog completes for the student/handler based on their disability-specific needs. The questionnaire will ask you demographic questions (e.g., age, gender identity, etc.) and to rate your perceptions of the student/handler assisted by their service dogs in academic settings. We cannot yet share the exact nature of this study, as this will affect your ability to answer our research questions. However, at the end of the questionnaire, you will be directed to a debriefing form which will present the full purpose of the study, our hypotheses, and details of the vignettes. Upon reading the debriefing form, you will have the opportunity to re-consent to the inclusion of your data. The questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You will not be asked any identifying information, and your completion of the online questionnaire will be anonymous. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the procedures and goals of the study or your role by contacting the researcher(s).
Potential Risks: There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research. However, if this study at any point has made you feel uncomfortable, distressed, or concerned, you are welcome to leave any questions unanswered and/or end participation by closing your web browser. We also encourage you to reach out to the University of Saskatchewan Student Wellness Centre (306)-966-5768, located on the 3rd and 4th floor of Place Riel Student Centre or the Mental Health Commission of Canada at 988 in a time of distress or (613) 683-3755 for general inquiries. At the end of the study, you will be shown a debriefing form that better explains the nature of the study and you will be given a chance to address any questions or concerns that you might have.
Potential Benefits: You may receive no personal benefits from participation in the study.
Compensation: Participation in the following study is entirely voluntary, and no compensation will be provided.