Exit Hybrid work arrangements for APSA members 2025 Question Title * 1. I am (please check all that apply) Working in a student-facing role Working with many people who do similar work as myself (e.g. academic advisor in Student Services). Supervising staff Working in a position where I must be on campus Supervising students or volunteers Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What best describes your current work arrangement? (please check all that apply) I had a work from home arrangement prior to the pandemic I had a modified work schedule (e.g. flex day) that existed prior to the pandemic I have a work from home arrangement according to SFU's personas model I have a work from home arrangement that's less than SFU's personas model I'm not able to work from home My department or supervisor and I have agreed to work from home arrangements that don't follow the personas model Other (please specify) Workplace collaboration tools are tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Question Title * 3. If you could choose, would you rather do each of the following work activities in person on campus or remotely? In-person on campus Remotely N/A Attending large group meetings Attending large group meetings In-person on campus Attending large group meetings Remotely Attending large group meetings N/A Meeting new students/clients Meeting new students/clients In-person on campus Meeting new students/clients Remotely Meeting new students/clients N/A Meeting one-on-one with people you supervise Meeting one-on-one with people you supervise In-person on campus Meeting one-on-one with people you supervise Remotely Meeting one-on-one with people you supervise N/A Presenting in front of a group Presenting in front of a group In-person on campus Presenting in front of a group Remotely Presenting in front of a group N/A Working in small teams on projects Working in small teams on projects In-person on campus Working in small teams on projects Remotely Working in small teams on projects N/A Professional development workshops Professional development workshops In-person on campus Professional development workshops Remotely Professional development workshops N/A APSA's AGM APSA's AGM In-person on campus APSA's AGM Remotely APSA's AGM N/A Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do SFU hybrid personas work for your current position? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 5. How much do you feel your department head or supervisor prefers that you work more on campus and less from home? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little Not at all Question Title * 6. If you prefer a flexible/hybrid work arrangement, please rank your reasons in order of importance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Flexibility/independence in working arrangements N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Health and safety N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Work-life balance N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Increased morale N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Focus/Concentration (my work environment on campus can get very disruptive) N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Increased recruitment/retention for my team N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A Increased team productivity N/A Question Title * 7. How should flexible work arrangements be decided? By SFU-wide policy By SFU policy with departmental input By department/faculty By my direct supervisor Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. SFU Senior Leaders have my needs and interests at heart regarding hybrid work arrangements (Senior Leaders include the president, vice presidents and faculty members in the highest positions in the University). Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 9. My department or unit's leadership have my need and interests at heart regarding hybrid work arrangements. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 10. Hybrid and flexible work arrangements should be embedded in the APSA collective agreement. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 11. Are you aware of your rights under AD 10.13, 3.03, which states, "A member of the Administrative and Professional Staff at the University is primarily self-directing and self-disciplinary concerning the functions of his/her position? He/she will exercise discretion about the time and location of work performed in support of the established job objectives." Extremely aware Very aware Somewhat aware Not so aware Not at all aware Question Title * 12. Have you considered leaving your current position or SFU entirely because of difficulties with the SFU Hybrid Work Program due to better flexible or hybrid work options elsewhere? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little Not at all Done