You are invited to participate in a research study entitled, Educating students on interacting with service dog teams: An application of the theory of planned behaviour.

Student-Researcher: Aliegha Dixon, Undergraduate Student, Department of Psychology and Health Studies,

Supervisor: Dr. Linzi Williamson, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Health Studies,, 306-966-6657

Purpose and Objective of the Research: The primary purpose of this study is to train the student researcher in the methods of behavioural research. The secondary purpose is to examine whether providing an educational intervention influences students’ intentions for interacting with service dog teams (i.e., a service dog and their handler with a disability) in public spaces. We will also be examining if the theory of planned behaviour can be applied for influencing intentions and behaviour when it comes to interacting with service dog teams in public.

Procedures: Participants are invited to complete an anonymous online questionnaire which will take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to view one of two educational lessons, after which you will answer questions based on the theory of planned behaviour measuring intentions for interacting with service dog teams in public spaces as well as provide personal demographics. Please note that if you wish to leave any question unanswered, you may do so with no penalty. At the end of the study and after reading the debriefing form, you will be given the opportunity to view the educational intervention you were not assigned to read.

Potential Risks: There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research. Participants are encouraged to answer only those questions they are comfortable with. If any part of your participation in this study has made you feel uncomfortable, distressed, or upset, we encourage you to contact the University’s Student Counseling Centre (306) 966-4920, located on the 3rd floor of Place Riel Student Centre. If you are outside of the University of Saskatchewan, we encourage you to contact Wellness Together Canada (; 1-866-585-0445) or the Mental Health Commission of Canada (text 988). After completing the study, you will be provided with a debriefing form which will outline the study in more detail.

Potential Benefits: You may receive no personal benefits from participation in the study. It is hoped that the information gained from your participation can be used to advance our understanding of students’ intentions for interacting with service dog teams in public.

Compensation: Participants will not receive any compensation for their participation in this study.
Confidentiality: Participation and all data collected will be completely anonymous, which means that research participants’ identities will not be known to anyone, including the researchers. Further, participants will not be asked to disclose identifiable information. If participants chose to contact the researchers by email that discloses personal information, anonymity will be lost but confidentiality of the participant will remain protected. The data will be stored securely at the University of Saskatchewan by the supervisor. Normally, the data will be destroyed once the course has been completed. In instances where the data is published in an academic journal and/or presented at a professional conference, the data will be stored for a minimum of five years after completion of the study. When the data is no longer required, it will be destroyed beyond recovery. This survey is hosted by Survey Monkey. Your data will be stored in facilities hosted in Canada. Please see the following for more information on the Survey Monkey Privacy Policy.

Right to Withdraw: Your participation is voluntary, and you may answer only those questions that you are comfortable with. You may withdraw from the research project for any reason, at any time without explanation or penalty of any sort and without the loss of research credit for the session. If you wish to withdraw, simply close your web browser to end your participation in the study. Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until the survey has been submitted. After the survey is submitted, it will no longer be possible to withdraw from the study as there is no way to identify the data of any individual participant due to its anonymous nature.

Follow up: To obtain results from the study, please contact the researchers using the information listed above. Results should be available by April 2025.

Questions or Concerns: Contact the researcher(s) using the information at the top of page 1. This research project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office:; 306-966-2975; out of town participants may call toll free 1-888-966-2975.

By completing and submitting the questionnaire, YOUR FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPLIED and indicates that you understand the above conditions of participation in this study.
6% of survey complete.