About the Program:

Pickup locations:
Burnaby Campus: Student Centre (SUB 3113)
Surrey Campus: Registrar & Information Services Desk
Vancouver: Nester's Woodwards (333 Abbott St, Vancouver, BC)

This program is for EMERGENCY NEED of food only. Please complete the form only if hunger is a pressing issue (to maintain food funds). This is a valuable and essential service to students, from students, and is intended to serve as an online food bank. We appreciate your consideration and discretion with this matter.

This service is for SFU Undergraduate students and FIC students ONLY. SFU Graduate Students are not eligible for this program.

Each food voucher envelope is worth $75; you get three (3) x $25 vouchers. If hunger remains an issue for you, please contact https://foodbank.bc.ca/find-food/locations/ to find a food bank that will be able to assist you.

Please be aware that all food vouchers will expire on the last day of our fiscal year (April 30th, 2025). All unused food vouchers past the expiry date will be null and void.

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* 1. SFU Student Number

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* 2. SFU Email

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* 3. Are you a undergraduate student?
Please note that, this service is for SFU Undergraduate students and FIC students ONLY. SFU Graduate Students are not eligible for this program.

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* 4. What is your main campus

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* 5. Please indicate the number of household dependents excluding yourself

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Have you received an SFSS Emergency Food Bank Program voucher before?

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* 7. Please list any resources that have helped you with your situation so far

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* 8. How concerned are you about your financial situation this semester?

1 1 = Not Concerned ; 5 = Extremely Concerned 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. Which method would you prefer for receiving your SFSS Food Bank voucher?

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* 10. Do you have any suggestions on ways to improve the Emergency Food Bank Program and/or ways the SFSS can hep improve food security on campus? (e.g., financial planning services, cooking classes etc)

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* 11. May we use your feedback to promote the program and educate students about its purpose? (Any publicized feedback will not be connected to an email or student number)

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* 12. You MUST bring a copy of your confirmation of enrollment to pick up your vouchers. You can access your confirmation of enrollment through the Student Information System (SIS) https://go.sfu.ca Subsequent pickups during the semester do not require you to bring another copy. If you do not bring this document, you WILL NOT be able to pick up your vouchers! Please select 'yes' to confirm that you have read this condition.

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* 13. You MUST bring your SFU student identification (ID) card to pick up your vouchers. If you do not bring your ID, you WILL NOT be able to pick up your vouchers! Please select 'yes' to confirm that you have read this condition.

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* 14. Your access to and use of this service is conditioned on your acceptance of the following: the right to collect and store your personal information, and to seek further information if necessary. By selecting 'yes,' you agree to these terms.

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* 15. The SFSS is not liable for any unused food vouchers. Expired or unredeemed vouchers will be considered null and void and cannot be used at any of the locations mentioned above. By selecting 'yes,' you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

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* 16. I have read and answered all the questions correctly and accurately. If any information is entered incorrectly, SFSS staff have full discretion to reject an application. By selecting 'yes,' you agree to these terms.