Information Letter

Please read the following information before starting the survey
I. Who is conducting the study?

Principal Investigator
Dr. Rebecca Schiff
Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9
+1 250 9605319

Research Manager
Ashley Wilkinson
PhD Student - Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences
University of Northern British Columbia
Nizdeh Nekeyoh Hohudel'eh Baiyoh
I. Who is funding this study?

The study is being funded by a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

III. Why are you being asked to take part in this study? Why are we doing this study?

You are being invited to participate in this study because your experiences and insights as a member of a housing cooperative in Canada are valuable to our research.

This study aims to explore the impacts of cooperative housing on community health and social cohesion. The findings from this study will provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of cooperative housing for individuals and communities.

Taking part in this study is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any time during and before the completion of the survey. Before you decide whether you would like to take part in this study, please read this letter carefully to understand what is involved.

IV. What will you be expected to do?

You will be asked to complete an online survey to gather information about your experiences as a member of a housing cooperative. The survey will include questions about your well-being, quality of life, social connections, and community perceptions within the cooperative housing environment.

Before beginning the survey, you will be provided with detailed information about the study, including its purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits. You will be asked to provide informed consent by indicating whether you agree to participate in the study.

The survey is estimated to take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

V. Is there any way that participating in this study could harm you?

We do not think anything in this study could harm you. If you find some questions sensitive or personal, you can choose not to answer them. If you feel uncomfortable or upset at any point during the completion of the survey, you can opt out of the study by closing the online survey.

VI. What are the benefits of participating?

By participating in this study, you will contribute to a better understanding of the impacts of cooperative housing, which may ultimately benefit individuals and communities living in cooperative housing environments.

VII. How will your privacy be maintained?

In this study, participants' identities will be kept strictly confidential. No personally identifiable information will be collected during the online survey.

Your answers will be collected through an online survey tool (SurveyMonkey). The online survey complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Data and is hosted on Canadian servers during the data collection phase. During the data analysis phase, the information gathered from this study will be kept on UNBC password-protected computers. After the results of the study are shared and five years after the study's conclusion, the files will be permanently deleted.

Access to the raw data will be limited to the principal investigator (Dr. Rebecca Schiff), the research manager (Ashley Wilkinson), and the research assistant.
VIII. Will you be compensated for taking part in this research study?

At the end of the survey participants will have the option to click on a link to a separate survey in the same platform to be entered into a draw for a $25 gift certificate. There are 20 gift certificates to be drawn, and the study is estimating there will be around 150 participants.

If you choose to enter the draw, your identifiable information, such as your name, address, and email address, will be collected in a separate survey solely for the purpose of the gift certificate draw. Participation in this draw is entirely voluntary. Each participant will be assigned a number, and we will use a random number generator to select the winners. Your information will be retained only until the data collection process is completed and the gift certificates have been awarded. Afterward, all information will be permanently deleted.

IX. Study results

The results of this study will be compiled in a report profile of the well-being of cooperative housing in Canada. The report will be shared with the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada and individual coops and coop members at their request. A copy of the research results can be obtained by contacting the Principal Investigator for this project, Dr. Rebecca Schiff, at +1 250 9605319 or

X. Contact for information about the study

If you have any questions about what we are asking of you, please get in touch with the Principal Investigator, Dr. Rebecca Schiff, at +1 250 9605319 or

XI. Contact for concerns or complaints

If you have any concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, contact the UNBC Office of Research at 250‑960‑6735 or by e-mail at

XII. Participant consent and signature page

Taking part in this study is entirely up to you. You have the right to refuse to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, you may withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason and without any negative impact on your [for example, employment, class standing, access to further services from the community center, daycare, etc.]


* If you decide to complete the questionnaire, please save this file for your reference. You can find a downloadable version of this information in the email invitation you received from your cooperative manager-board members.

* If the questionnaire is completed, it will be assumed that you have given your consent to participate in this study