Thank you for your interest in the Cognitive Kitchen! The Cognitive Kitchen (CK) is a 6-week interactive cooking and nutrition education program.

Please note that only virtual classes are currently being scheduled. Virtual CK sessions are held via Zoom. Participants are responsible for gathering and purchasing their class ingredients based on a distributed grocery list. A brief pre-program orientation session is held before the virtual classes begin.

The following questions are to confirm you are eligible for the program. Once you have confirmed your eligibility, you will be navigated to the rest of the survey. Questions marked with a * are required.

On the last page, there is information about the optional research component of the program. You are welcome to participate in the program without participating in research but please ensure you click through to the end of the survey to indicate your preferences.

The information you share will be stored securely. General demographic information may be presented as part of the research findings. However, no personal or identifying information will be stored with research data.

Question Title

* Please provide your contact information for follow-up about the program.

Question Title

* What is your birth date? (YYYY-MM-DD)

Please note: To be eligible, you must:
1) be either 55+ OR a care partner of a person living with dementia,
2) live in Saskatchewan, and
3) have a device such as a laptop or tablet to connect to the virtual sessions (if applicable).

We also welcome people living with dementia to attend if they feel the environment would be suitable. If attending with a care partner, we ask that the care partner complete the first several survey pages; they will then be navigated to additional pages for both participants.

Question Title

* Please select which of the following describes you best.