Potential Benefits and Compensation:
While there is no direct compensation for participating in this research, many individuals feel positively about sharing their experiences with others. This research will contribute to our understanding of financial consequences related to young onset dementia. This is important to providing the basis for policy changes and other initiatives to better support families of persons diagnosed with young onset dementia.
Anonymity and confidentiality:
• Since this survey is online, you will be anonymous (no one will know who you are including the researchers). An exception to this anonymity would be if you contacted the researchers directly using your personal email, in which case it would be deleted following the correspondence. Because the primary researcher works with individuals with atypical and often young onset dementias, it is also theoretically possible that she has interacted with your family member diagnosed with dementia and could recognize them if you use their full name in your written story. In the unlikely event this occurs; the person’s identity would be kept strictly confidential.
• Although data will be presented about the group of participants overall, we may use direct quotations from participants’ stories in the presentation of data. Any quotations that include a name will be replaced with pseudonyms. An exception to participant anonymity may be the specific information within the quote; as such, you will have be given the opportunity to provide consent to have your direct quotes used.
• All data will be stored securely on the researchers’ password protected computers for a minimum of 7 years. Survey data will be stored on Survey Monkey, a company whose data is securely stored in Canada, and is funded by the University of Saskatchewan psychology department.
Right to Withdraw:
• Your participation is voluntary and you can answer only those questions that you are comfortable with. As you are answering questions you may withdraw from the research project for any reason, at any time, without explanation or penalty of any sort by closing your internet browser.
• Because your data is anonymous (we do not know who it belongs to), it is difficult to withdraw your data once submitted.
Follow up:
• To obtain results from the study, please contact any of the researchers at the contact information listed above.
Questions or Concerns:
• If you have any questions or concerns please contact the researchers using the information at the top of this page.
• This research project has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan Research Ethics Board on March 13, 2018 (Beh# 17-423). Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office ethics.office@usask.ca (306) 966-2975. Out of town participants may call toll free (888) 966-2975.
By selecting the “Continue” button below and completing this questionnaire your free and informed consent is implied and indicates that you understand the above conditions to participate in this study.
Please consider printing this page for your records.