1. Expectations Overview & Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in applying to eCoop. As a reminder, this is an individual application, if more than one member of your team wishes to apply, each must fill out their own application.

eCoop is a unique and valuable opportunity for students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and take part in paid work-integrated learning through exploration, launch and/or growth of an idea, startup or venture with support from SFU’s Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship. The significance of this opportunity goes beyond the paid salary - with access to workspace, mentoring, workshops, service providers and other business development opportunities, the cost to the Chang Institute to provide you this experience is ~$20K, and the experience you gain and networks you build is invaluable.

eCoop should be considered as a full-time job, and participants are expected to focus full-time (35hrs/wk+) over the full 15-week work term in pursuit of the milestones/deliverables set by the Chang Institute. The participant should not be enrolled in any classes during the term other than required co-op BOL.

Question Title

* 1. Please Enter your contact information

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* 2. To which gender do you most identify with?

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* 3. Age

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* 4. By checking this box, you confirm that you are an Undergraduate Student at SFU

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25% of survey complete.