Perinatal Environmental Awareness and Advocacy Intentions: Healthcare Trainee Study
Are you currently 18 years old or older?

Are you currently studying in 3rd or 4th year, or recently graduated from, an Ontario medical, nursing, or midwifery program?

Are you capable of answering a survey in English or in French?


If so, you are eligible to take part in this survey regarding future healthcare practitioners and perinatal environmental healthcare.


Title: Perinatal Environmental Awareness and Advocacy Intentions: Healthcare Trainee Study 

Summary of Research Project

This Master’s thesis project is conducted by Brianna at the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. The ethical aspects of this project have been reviewed and approved by the uOttawa Research Ethics Board (File # H-05-23-9244). The goals of this project are to document healthcare professional trainees’ perspectives about their perinatal-environmental health education and to evaluate healthcare trainees’ advocacy intentions related to environmental health risk discussions with future perinatal patients.


My participation in this study involves completion of an online survey in English or French that will take approximately 30 minutes. I will be asked to reflect on my knowledge, perceptions and advocacy intentions related to perinatal environmental healthcare.

Benefits of this Study

The goal of this study is to document the perinatal environmental health knowledge, perceptions, and advocacy intentions of future healthcare providers in Ontario. All information collected will be of interest to public health professionals, healthcare professionals, and those involved in future healthcare education. I may learn more about perinatal environmental health through the completion of survey questions or from the resources provided. I may also experience changes in my personal motivations towards environmental advocacy, future career specializations, or patient communication strategies.

Potential Risks Involved

I may experience emotional discomfort responding to questions related to my reproductive history or my experiences with environmental hazard exposures. I may consult a list of resources concerning environmental health and perinatal environmental health at the end of this survey.

Confidentiality and Anonymity

My survey answers will be stored online in a password-protected survey account to be extracted with data analysis software. This questionnaire does NOT collect any personal identifying information; therefore my responses will remain anonymous. Response data will be grouped with other participants’ responses and subject to data analysis. To minimize the risk of security breaches and to help ensure my confidentiality, it is recommended that I use standard safety measures such as closing my browser when I have completed the study.

Conservation of Data

As survey data contains no personal identifiers, anonymized electronic data (e.g., survey responses) will be stored indefinitely in order to be used in future publications. Emails used to enter the draw will be destroyed after 3 years.

Voluntary Participation

My participation is completely voluntary. I may choose not to participate. If I decide not to participate in this research survey, I may withdraw at any time. If I decide not to participate in this study or if I withdraw from participating at any time, that is okay. I do not have to answer any question I do not wish to answer. While I may choose to withdraw at any time, given the anonymous nature of the survey, once the surve
Possibility to Enter a Draw
To thank me for my contribution to the research project, I will be given the option to enter my email in a draw to win a $50 online Amazon gift card, regardless of whether I decide to withdraw from further participating in the research project. I understand that only participants who reach the end of the survey will be able to enter the draw.

 Upon completion of the study, emails will be randomly selected from the group of participants who enter the draw, ensuring odds of winning at 1 in 50. If the person cannot be reached by email within 14 days from the date of the draw, additional email(s) will be randomly selected from the pool of registered participants until the prize has been awarded.
Survey responses cannot be linked to participants who choose to register for the draw. The contact information I have provided will be kept confidential and then destroyed once the prizes have been awarded. We reserve the right to cancel the draw or cancel the awarding of the prize if the integrity of the draw or the research or the confidentiality of participants is compromised.

 If you have any questions regarding the study, you may contact Dr. Karen Phillips at or Brianna Sanko via email at

Any information requests or complaints about the ethical conduct of the project may be addressed to:

University of Ottawa- Office of Research Ethics and Integrity

550 Cumberland, Room 154, University of Ottawa,

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5

(613) 562-5387 or


Please select your choice below. Clicking on the "agree" button below indicates that:

·       You have read and understood the information for participants taking part in this survey.

·       You understand that taking part in this study is voluntary, that you may

·       withdraw from the study at any time.

·       You know who to contact if you have any questions about the study.

·       You are at least 18 years of age.

Please print or save a copy of this consent form for your personal records.

Thank you.

Question Title

* If you do not wish to participate in the research study, please decline participation by clicking on the "disagree" button. The information we receive will be of great use in our research study.