This form is to collect indications of interest in network-building from researchers at any level in Academia, Industry, Government or Communities in British Columbia, and working in the area of understanding and designing for/with humans interacting with technology -- including HCI, visualization, information, human factors engineering, or domain areas that rely on any of these disciplines.

We are interested in both your general interest, and availability for specific planned working session associated with the Graphics Interface conference in Victoria, May 30-June2.

Question Title

* 1. Introduce yourself

Question Title

* 2. I work in (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Keywords describing your interests

Question Title

* 4. Career stage

Question Title

* 5. In-principle enthusiasm level

There’s many dimensions that enthusiasm can take in seeing and helping build a BC network around shared goals.  How much do you feel that a BC network ….

  Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not at all
Is worth exploring as an approach to solve problems we have regionally
Would likely be fun and rewarding
Is something you’d be willing to commit some time and effort towards

Question Title

* 6. Availability to participate in the first part of the event.
Part 1: Meet-and-greet session, Tues May 30, 16:40-17:20.   
Select single most likely answer:

Question Title

* 7. Availability to participate in the second part of the event.
Part 2: Mid-day working session, Fri June 2, 13:30-15:30.   
Select single most likely answer. Note that the organizers are still determining whether we are able to support remote participation given space constraints.

Question Title

* 8. Suggestions for discussion topics and/or potential collective goals

Question Title

* 9. Any other comments or questions on this survey? 

Thanks! We hope to see you in Victoria. Please direct any immediate questions or comments to Charles and Karon (,

Ad hoc steering committee:
Charles Perin (UVic), Karon MacLean (UBC-Vancouver), Lyn Bartram (SFU-SIAT), Lawrence Kim and Xing-Dong Yang (SFU-Burnaby)