Express your interest in attending the workshop with this online form

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Express your interest in attending the workshop with this online form:

In part two of our housing workshops, SFU Renewable Cities is collaborating with Vancity Community Foundation to host 'Crafting a Vision for your Land,' a workshop aimed to support non-profit and public landowners who are ready to start working on the vision and goals of their housing development project.

Date: Tuesday September 24, 2024

Location: SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue (580 W Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C.)

This in-person workshop aims to support non-profit and public organizations who are considering building housing on the land they steward.

This workshop is intended for organizations who are ready to:
  • Engage their members and community
  • Develop a vision, establish guiding principles and form a project concept
This workshop will help participants create a framework for leveraging and using their land to fulfill their organization’s mission and develop strategic priorities, guiding principles and a real estate strategy integrated with their mission. The workshop will also facilitate connections and shared problem-solving among organizations exploring housing project options and next steps.

If you did not attend our introductory ‘Let’s Build Housing on Community Land’ workshop and would like a preview of what conversations we've been having, please watch our workshop recording, which features stories from organizations who recently developed housing on the land they steward, as well as educational and funding resources.

If you have any questions about this workshop or if you are an Indigenous group interested in attending, please connect with Amal (

We encourage you to attend with up to two other people from your organization so you can work together on your organization’s vision and make the best use of this workshop.

We will review all expressions of interest and respond to you via email. A formal invitation with an agenda and details will follow two weeks before the workshop

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* 1. Name of organization

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* 2. Contact information of person interested in attending the workshop

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* 3. Contact information of up to TWO other staff members or vetted representatives interested in attending the workshop

(Note: This is optional. These names can be provided later via email to if you are confirming team availability).

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* 4. Did you attend our in-person workshop 'Let's Explore the Potential of Building Housing on Community Land' on May 7?