Consent form

Title: Internationally Educated Teacher (IET) Recertification as a Site for Overlapping Discourses of Migration and Diversification

Principal Investigator (PI): 

Dr. Lilach Marom, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University.

Co-investigators (Co-PIs):

Dr. Randolph Wimmer, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta,

Dr. Guofang Li, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 

Student Research Assistants (RAs): 

Han Xu, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, Queen's University,

Dr. Karine Fernandes, PhD Student, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University,

This study is being funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), IDG Grant 430-2023-00550. 

We are conducting this study to explore recertification for teaching and alternative routes for re-certification for Internationally Educated Teachers (IETs). We want to learn about barriers and success in this process, in order to reduce barriers and support the successful integration of IETs in the Canadian teaching profession. We invite you to participate in a survey that will take about 15-20 minutes to complete, as your experiences might help us ensure an equitable process for teacher recertification in Canada.

Voluntary participation: Your participation is voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to participate. You can skip any question you do not want to answer and disengage from completing the survey at any point before submitting it. This survey will not collect your contact details, but if you are interested in a follow-up interview, please leave your email address in the last open-ended question. We will contact you for the possibility of a follow-up interview and provide another consent form. Once you submit your responses without leaving an email address, it will not be possible to remove the data from the study, as we won’t be able to identify your correspondent responses. If you choose to leave contact information, you can ask for withdrawal via email within 4 weeks after the survey is closed. 

Study procedures

This survey takes about 15-20 minutes to finish. After you read through this consent information, you can click “Next” to start the survey, which includes demographic questions, questions about your prior teaching qualifications, your experience with the IET recertification program, your employment journey in Canada, and your recertification procedures with the provincial teacher’s regulatory body. You can skip any questions and are welcome to add any additional information you wish to share in the open-ended question at the end of the survey. 

10% of survey complete.