
It’s time to talk about the future of recreation in the Town of Vegreville and we want your feedback, your suggestions, and your support. As the Town of Vegreville builds for our next generation and looks towards the community of the future, we recognize that the quality of life in our community, the experiences we provide, and financial sustainability will be critical. When discussing significant sport, recreational, and cultural gathering places, these discussions need to be public, they need to be accessible, and they need your voice.

Many of the facilities we have in sport, recreation, and culture are aging and although well maintained, and well used, we do need to think about the future.
Any investment in sport, recreation, and cultural infrastructure must be a regional partnership and a regional conversation. We fully recognize that the cost of building and maintaining new sport, recreation, and cultural infrastructure is significant.
As such, we want to start the conversation about future priorities, regional opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for the next generation. Please share your thoughts, engage others in the conversation, and help shape this process.

17% of survey complete.