This application form can take up to ten minutes of your time. We thank you in advance for completing and submitting this form.

Privacy and Confidentiality: The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) collects personal information under Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act RSBC. 1996, c.165
Purpose: The information provided by you in response to the survey questions will be used to assess the current quality and effectiveness of its operating programs and activities as well provide insight on the existing and future needs of students of the Institute.
How Survey Data Collected Will Be Used: Any information that you provide by answering survey questions will be kept strictly confidential and survey results will be analyzed and reported to BCIT on aggregate basis (your responses will be combined with the responses of others) to protect your anonymity). Please do not provide any information that would identify who you are or identify another individual in response to any open-ended questions. Your participation in this online survey is voluntary and you may choose to answer as many questions as you wish, or stop at any time.
All survey data will be stored on secure servers within BCIT and in accordance with its established retention schedules.
Consent: By participating in this Student Well-being Grant Application Form, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your responses to the survey as described above.

If you have any questions about this application form, or would prefer a Word document version, please contact
Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by BCIT may be directed to the BCIT Information Access and Privacy Office, email

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information
To support innovative projects on the five main campuses, all BCIT students (full-time, flexible learning, micro-credential) are eligible to apply for these grants.

Project Overview
Please provide the following information, and reference the grant goals where relevant. There is no expectation to cite the guiding documents. 

Question Title

* 2. Context and Overview: Provide a description of your project (100 words maximum). If possible, please indicate which campus you would like your event or outreach to take place.

Question Title

* 3. Project Objectives: Identify the project objectives and describe their fit within any existing campus mental health or well-being initiatives, and/or provide an overview of literature/research to support your project.

Question Title

* 4. Target Audience: Please indicate the individuals or communities served (e.g. students in your respective program, equity-deserving community, general student population, etc.).

Question Title

* 5. Outcomes: Describe expected outcome(s) or impact of the project.

Project Timeline and Budget
We recognize that project dates and budget may change. An estimate at the this time is fine. 

Question Title

* 6. Project Timeline: Include a brief timeline that indicates start and end dates for the project.


Question Title

* 7. Project Milestones: Include a brief summary of project milestones, a description/details of activity, and measure of success (e.g. if the activity is forming a peer support group, success is that a peer support group has been running for a semester).

Question Title

* 8. Total Budget: Provide the total amount of funding requested (max $500, smaller amounts can be requested).

Question Title

* 9. Budget Items: To the best of your ability, please provide an overview of proposed expenses (e.g. item/activity, estimated cost for each item).

Additional Information

Question Title

* 10. We strive to facilitate inclusive, accessible programs that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please let us know of any accessibility supports or requirements you may need to participate.

Question Title

* 11. Additional Comments or Notes

Acknowledgement: The following content and program are entirely based on North Isand Colleges (NIC) “CARE Grants”. We want to thank Mez Jiwaji, Associate Director, Student Life and Rachel Birch, Student Life & Outreach Liaison for sharing their work with us so generously. All the content originated at NIC, and more information can be found at 
100% of survey complete.