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Research Informed Consent for Participants

Principle investigator: Jenson Price, MA, PhD (c) 
University of Ottawa
Faculty of Health Sciences
125 University Private (408C)
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
Tel.: (613) 561-5800 ext.: 7300

Co-investigator: Dr. Jennifer Brunet, PhD
University of Ottawa
Faculty of Health Sciences
125 University Private (MNT 339)
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
Tel.: (613) 561-5800 ext.: 3068

Why are you being invited to take part in this study? Cancer survivors report experiencing physical, psychological, and social challenges after diagnosis because of the many side effects associated with cancer treatments. Yoga can help cancer survivors deal with these side effects. However, we still do not know if and how yoga can impact the image adults have of themselves and the extent to which they like, accept and approve of themselves after cancer treatment.

Why is this study being done? The purpose of this study is to understand how cancer survivors’ self-perceptions across different areas of their life are influenced by yoga, and in turn how these influence their global self-perceptions. This study is part of Ms. Jenson Price’s doctoral dissertation, under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Brunet, at University of Ottawa.

What will you be asked to do if you participate in this study? If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a 20-30 minute online survey.

What are the risks of this study? Your participation in this study will entail that you volunteer personal information, and this may cause you to feel psychological and/or emotional discomfort, you can contact either the Canadian Cancer Society - Peer Support at 1-800-263-6750, or The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Center (TOHCC) Social Work Support Groups (Coping with Cancer Stress) at 613-737-7700 ext.: 70516. You can also contact the Distress Centre at 613-238-3311, which provides immediate support on a 24/7 basis.

Are there benefits to taking part in this study? There are no direct benefits to you. However, you will help make a significant contribution to the current oncology and behavioural medicine research. Specifically, findings from the current study will provide a starting point to identifying ways that yoga fosters positive self-perceptions, and thus can inform the development of appropriately targeted and effective interventions that are appropriate for increasing cancer survivors’ social and emotional functioning, in addition their physical functioning. Over time, such advancement could help ultimately promote health and wellbeing.

What about privacy? The information we collect from you will remain strictly confidential and will be used solely for research purposes. Only members of the research team will have access to the information you provide in this study. All of your data will be kept anonymous and will not contain information that may lead to your identification. However, this is an online survey, therefore, in order to minimize the risk of security breaches and to help ensure your confidentiality we recommend that you use standard safety measures such as signing out of your account, closing your browser and locking your screen or device when you are no longer using them / when you have completed the study.

How will your information be kept? All of your data will be stored in a secure manner. Dr. Jennifer Brunet and Jenson Price will retain rights over data. Computer files will be kept on password-protected computers in a secure, locked location for a period of 5 years after the research is completed. The database will not be stored on a memory stick or any other easily lost/accessed media, nor will it be e-mailed. 
What are your rights as a participant? You are under no obligation to participate in this study. You can choose whether or not you want to be in this study and may exit the survey at any time. If you choose to participate, you are not waiving any of your legal rights and you can skip any of the questions during the survey without consequences. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey, we will not be able to remove the data of those who withdraw from the study after they have submitted their responses.

If you have questions about taking part in this study, you can talk to the study investigator or co-investigator at the University of Ottawa.

If you have any questions regarding the ethical conduct of this study, you may contact the Protocol Officer for Ethics in Research, University of Ottawa, Tabaret Hall, 550 Cumberland Street, Room 154, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

Tel.: (613) 562-5387

If you would like a copy of this consent form, please save or print this page.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to participate in this study?

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