For Zoom meeting/webinar attendees who have not signed up for an SFU Zoom account

Please review the content below and follow the instructions to provide consent to the privacy implications of using SFU Zoom only if you do not wish to sign up or use an SFU Zoom account for attending Zoom sessions (meetings or webinars). If you have previously signed into, you do not need to complete this form and may now exit this page.

For the purpose of recording your decision on providing consent, you will be asked to enter your name and your email address for identification purposes as part of your response to this form.
British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Pursuant to Section 33.1(1)(b) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), I give my consent for SFU Information Technology (IT) Services to disclose my personal information under the terms and conditions noted below.
  1. The personal information to be disclosed is my display name, which may include my first and last name if I choose to enter them, information about my device, network, and internet connection (e.g., IP address(es), MAC address, device type, operating system, and client version), information about my usage of or the interaction with Zoom products, and other information I upload, provide, or create while attending a Zoom session. This information will be held in a database at Zoom Video Communications, Inc. until I choose to stop accessing these services hosted by the vendor. I may request that Zoom Video Communications delete my information at any time.
  2. Personal information will be disclosed to Zoom, a web conferencing service provider located in the US with data centres deployed globally.
  3. My personal information is disclosed in order to participate as an attendee in online video services hosted at Zoom Video Communication.
  4. This consent to disclose my personal information remains in effect so long as I continue to schedule the above-mentioned video conferencing mechanisms.
Zoom’s privacy policy is available here.

Accessing Zoom Video Communications

Please be advised that the personal information you disclose to Zoom (any information you provide to attend a Zoom meeting, and any technical data that Zoom collects) is stored on servers located outside of Canada. Storage of your personal information outside Canada means the information resides in a foreign jurisdiction and will be subject to that jurisdiction’s laws. The data is stored indefinitely and privacy protection afforded by Canada’s privacy laws will not apply. You may wish to review the Zoom privacy policy before using the service.

SFU Employees
Please be advised that the personal information you disclose to Zoom (any information you provide to attend a Zoom meeting, and any technical data that Zoom collects) is stored on servers located outside of Canada. The purpose of this storage is to provide you with access to Zoom sessions. Storage of your personal information outside Canada means the information resides in a foreign jurisdiction and will be subject to that jurisdiction’s laws. The data is stored indefinitely and privacy protection afforded by Canada’s privacy laws will not apply. You may wish to review the Zoom privacy policy before using the service. By choosing to use this service you consent to the storage of your personal information in this manner and for the purposes described above.

Question Title

* Full Name

Question Title

* Email Address

Question Title

* Please indicate your consent by selecting the checkbox: